Please access Gulf Resources' Q2 2012 earnings conference call webcast by clicking on the following link:
http://www.investorcalendar.com/IC/CEPage.asp?ID=169506Please access Gulf Resources' Q1 2012 earnings conference call webcast by clicking on the following link:
http://www.investorcalendar.com/IC/ClientPage.asp?ID=168477Please access Gulf Resources' Q4 and Fiscal Year 2011 earnings conference call webcast by clicking on the following link:
http://www.investorcalendar.com/IC/ClientPage.asp?ID=163818Please access Q3 2011 earnings conference call webcast by clicking on the following link:
http://www.investorcalendar.com/IC/CEPage.asp?ID=166451Please access Q2 2011 earnings conference call webcast by clicking on the following link:
http://www.investorcalendar.com/IC/CEPage.asp?ID=165482Please access Q1 2011 earnings conference call webcast by clicking on the following link:
http://www.investorcalendar.com/IC/CEPage.asp?ID=164425Please access Q4 and FY 2010 earnings conference call webcast by clicking on the following link:
http://www.investorcalendar.com/IC/CEPage.asp?ID=163818Please access Q3 2010 earnings conference call webcast by clicking on the following link:
http://webcast.mz-ir.com/publico.aspx?codplataforma=2368Please access Q2 2010 earnings conference call webcast by clicking on the following link:
http://webcast.mz-ir.com/publico.aspx?codplataforma=2114Please access Q1 2010 earnings conference call webcast by clicking on the following link:
http://webcast.mzdp.com.br/publico.aspx?codplataforma=1866Please access Q3 2009 earnings conference call webcast by clicking on the following link:
/Uploads/image/202110/WMA829.wmaPlease access Q2 2009 earnings conference call webcast by clicking on the following link:
/Uploads/image/202110/Golf Resources Q2 2009 Earnings Conference Call-1.wmaPlease access Q1 2009 earnings conference call webcast by clicking on the following link:
/Uploads/image/202110/media20090513.wmaPlease access Q4 and FY 2008 earnings conference call webcast by clicking on the following link:
/Uploads/image/202110/K4GN2LE3IG.wmaPlease access Inc. Q3 2008 earnings conference call webcast by clicking on the following link: